Mesut özil lisans

How many trophies has Ozil won?

Mesut Özil

Titles and season
1x World Cup winner
8x Champions League participant
2016Arsenal FC

•Jan 4, 2022

Where is Mesut Ozil parents from?

Özil was born on 15 October 1988 in Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia, as a son of Turkish immigrants. His grandfather moved as a Gastarbeiter from Zonguldak, Turkey to Germany.

Are Enzo Ferrari and Mesut Ozil related?

Enzo Ferrari, founder of the prestigious car brand that bears his name, died in 1988. One month after his death, Mesut Özil, a German soccer player, was born. There seems to be a family relationship between the two men, and yet there is none.

How many goals Ozil scored in his career?

Premier League Record


Who is better Ozil or De Bruyne?

If we compare these two players in their Prime years then Ozil is ahead of De Bruyne in almost everything by a fine margin. In a clash between Prime Ozil Vs Prime De Bryune the Prime Ozil will win. If we compare them on factual data based on their whole career then Kevin is more successful than Ozil.

How old is özil?

33 years (October 15, 1988)Mesut Özil / Age

Why are Ozil’s eyes like that?

About Mesut Ozil's Eyes: If you look at a picture of Mesut Özil's eyes, you might think he has an image of someone suffering from Graves Disease (aka thyroid eye disease). But he is not suffering from any condition of such nature.
