Pharmacy in istanbul

What is a pharmacy called in Turkey?

Pharmacies are called “eczane” in Turkish.

Do you need a prescription in Turkey?

Pharmacies in Turkey are privately owned and prescriptions must be filled by a pharmacist. Medicines such as antibiotics require a prescription from a doctor, but many pharmaceutical products can be purchased over-the-counter.

Can I study pharmacy in Turkey?

Studying Pharmacy in Turkey has been one of the most favorite departments of many international student. There are multiple universities in Turkey offering Pharmacy for International students in English and Turkish as teaching language. Today, the education period of Studying Pharmacy in Turkey is 5 years.

Can you buy medication over the counter in Turkey?

Turkey does not define OTC products, nor regulate requirements for advertisement or specific sale channels. Therefore, under Turkish regulations, non-prescription pharmaceuticals are effectively equivalent to OTC products.

Can I buy antibiotics in Istanbul?

Most medicines that require prescriptions in Europe or the US are freely available in any Istanbul pharmacy (Eczane). So, if you're in need of a certain medicine, no need for a doctor's visit first. Just enter any pharmacy and ask for it. The only exceptions are the real strong or habit forming drugs.

How many pharmacy are there in Turkey?

It is a statutory body and a public institution. Its headquarters moved from Istanbul to Ankara in 1984. It serves about 30,000 pharmacists with 54 Pharmacists Rooms in the provinces of Turkey.

How do I get a prescription in Istanbul?

(Prescription) Medicines Most medicines that require prescriptions in Europe or the US are freely available in any Istanbul pharmacy (Eczane). So, if you're in need of a certain medicine, no need for a doctor's visit first. Just enter any pharmacy and ask for it.
