Steam distilled tea tree oil

Steam distillation is the technique employed to commercially process tea tree for oil production. Although steam is usually generated from an external boiler, hydrodistillation, where leaf material is immersed in or above boiling water, is also used.Aug 31, 2000

What is distilled tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil (TTO) is an essential oil obtained by steam distillation of the leaves and terminal branches of Melaleuca alternifolia Chell (Nenoff et al., 1996).

Is steam distillation good for essential oils?

Steam Distillation is the most popular method used to extract and isolate essential oils from plants for use in natural products. … Because water and oil do not mix, the essential oil floats on top of the water.

Can I put tea tree oil in my steamer?

Simply add a few drops of the best tea tree oil to a bowl of steaming-hot water, cover your head with a towel or other thick cloth, and breathe normally for several minutes.

What is steam distilled oil?

Steam distillation is a neat processing method where specific parts of a plant are subjected to steam, which converts oils in these plant materials into a vapor that's then condensed into a liquid. It's a natural and precise method used to extract some of NOW Solutions' most popular essential oils.

What is the difference between tea tree and tea tree oil?

There is a negligible amount of naturally occurring essential oils found in Tea Tree leaves that have historically been used to make tea, whereas Tea Tree Essential Oil is concentrated and can lead to poisoning. Tea Tree Essential Oil is derived and steam distilled from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree.

What’s the difference between tea tree oil and essential tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil is an extract from the tea tree Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native to Australia. The purest form of tea tree oil is an undiluted essential oil at 100% concentration. A person should never apply 100% concentrated tea tree oil to their skin as it will cause irritation.

What are the disadvantages of steam distillation?

Disadvantages: More time consuming due to due to the low pressure of rising steam. Water on the substance to be distilled causes it to vaporize in delayed time [10].
