Uncharted 4 kitabı

How do you melee in Uncharted 4?

The controls for Uncharted 4 are similar to other third-person shooter games….Combat Controls.

TriangleReload, Break Hold
XSwap Shoulder
CircleEnter/Exit Cover, Evade
SquareMelee Attack

How do you grapple in Uncharted 4?

Meet your grappling hook By pressing L1 in specific areas, players can toss a line of rope that will initiate a swinging motion, allowing them to leap from setpiece to setpiece. You can also use it as a rappelling tool and as a vine of sorts, ensuring a safe fall.

Does Uncharted 4 have swearing?

While there's nothing in the way of sex in Uncharted 4, the game does contain some mild bad language, and moderate violence. … There is also very mild swearing in the game, such as "crap" and "ass".

Is Uncharted 4 remastered?

Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy are being remastered for PS5, and the footage looks great in this launch trailer. Sony's next big new release is Horizon Forbidden West, but ahead of that, the company is kicking off the year with Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection for PlayStation 5.

How do you melee in Uncharted?

There are still only two buttons, though. You can pummel the enemy with square and counter his punches with triangle. Most unprepared enemies can be taken out in one punch, making melee a much more viable option in the heat of battle.

How do you distract enemies in Uncharted 4?

If you do go loud then distract enemies first If you're smart about your angle of attack, you can use throwable explosives and the omnipresent red barrels to cause a ruckus far from your actual location, before immediately moving to another vantage point.

How do you climb the rope in Uncharted 4?

Press X to latch Nate onto whatever object he intends to climb, such as a ledge or ladder, and then use the Left Analog to navigate. In some cases you'll find you need to press X to jump to adjacent section, but this is all a part of the climbing experience.
